What we do

We think differently
We’re not like other financial planners. You won’t get an invitation to lunch twice a year. Neither will you have to visit our wood-panelled offices for a meeting.
What you will benefit from are the cost savings generated by stripping out these frills.
Our approach is to use integrated technology so that less important tasks can be automated. It means we can concentrate on the things that matter to you, rather than cutting corners on what’s important.
Are you on track to meet your long-term goals? Will you have enough money to maintain your lifestyle in retirement? And are your pensions as tax efficient as they can be? We’ll help you plan for a full and comfortable retirement.
Whether you’ve had a windfall, want to save for your children’s education or something exotic like a once in a lifetime trip, we’ll help you make sensible choices. We’ll consider your goals and time horizons, then build a financial plan and make recommendations using your available tax allowances such as ISAs so you minimise the tax you pay.
Financial Planning
Financial planning is more than starting a pension or buying some life insurance. We’ll take a forensic look at your current arrangements, plans, income / expenditure, then use cash flow modelling to generate a financial plan that works for you.
Life sometimes gives us lemons and it’s important that you have a plan B if it does. Whether replacing income due to ill health or securing your family’s financial future should the worst happen, we’ll make sure you have one less thing to worry about.
What we don’t do
Don't just take our word for it
Book a meeting with us
Book a meeting
The best way to get to know us is a face to face meeting. That sounds very formal but trust us when we say that it isn't!
It's a relaxed conversation about you, your life and your goals. There’s no pressure, in fact we never let you make a decision there and then. We’ll always send you away to sleep on it.
Please note, when booking a meeting we will ask for your name and email address. We will only use this information to confirm the meeting and location. We guarantee it will never be passed to a third party.